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Affinity Synonym

Affinity synonym

Affinity synonym

The words attraction and sympathy are common synonyms of affinity.

What does the term affinity means?

/əˈfɪn·ɪ·t̬i/ a close similarity between two things, or an attraction or sympathy for someone or something, esp. because of shared characteristics: [ C ] Many people really feel an affinity for/with dolphins.

What is a personal affinity?

If you get along with someone very well, you have an affinity with them. Sometimes opposites attract, so you might feel a strange affinity to someone who is seemingly very different from you. When you are attracted to someone or something a great deal, we say that you have an affinity, a natural connection.

What is an example of affinity?

Relationships of Affinity - Two people are related by affinity if they are married to each other, or if one person is related by consanguinity to the other person's spouse.

What does strong affinity mean?

Strong Affinity means a demonstrated close association or relationship without discrimination as to sexual preference and can include circumstances where the parties reside in separate dwellings.

How do you use the word affinity?

a liking or sympathy for someone or something, especially because of shared characteristics: She seems to have a natural affinity for/with water. a close similarity between two things: There are several close affinities between the two paintings.

What is the verb form of affinity?

affinized. simple past tense and past participle of affinize.

What is affinity in society?

Affinity in terms of sociology, refers to "kinship of spirit", interest and other interpersonal commonalities. Affinity is characterized by high levels of intimacy and sharing, usually in close groups, also known as affinity groups.

What is affinity in business?

Definition: Affinities are personal or emotional connections forged between consumers and a particular brand or business. Highly-successful online businesses are able to gain affinity from customers who help a brand achieve rapid growth.

What does love affinity mean?

: a strong liking for or attraction to someone or something They had much in common and felt a close affinity. affinity.

What is nature affinity?

Nature Affinity is a buff/debuff power set available to controllers, defenders, masterminds, and corruptors on accounts that have purchased it from the Paragon Market for 800 Paragon Points.

What does spiritual affinity mean?

1 relating to the spirit or soul and not to physical nature or matter; intangible. 2 of, relating to, or characteristic of sacred things, the Church, religion, etc. 3 standing in a relationship based on communication between the souls or minds of the persons involved.

How do you gain strong affinity?

Fast travel to a location and fight, fast travel to the next location and fight. Continue doing this and you will quickly reach maximum affinity with Strong. NOTE: After receiving the perk and just before dismissing him check what Strong is carrying as he will pick up items and place them in his inventory.

What are the types of affinity?

Two types of affinity affect dynamic routing; inter-transaction affinity and transaction-system affinity. Inter-transaction affinity occurs among a set of transactions that share a common resource or coordinate their processing.

What is it called when two things influence each other?

What does interrelated mean? Interrelated is used to describe two or more things that are closely connected to each other and may affect each other. Interrelated is used in situations in which two or more elements strongly influence each other or are closely linked to each other.

Can you say affinity towards?

Better to say "a talent for growing fruit," "a fondness for vintage chairs," "a flair for making things out of cardboard." In the examples above, affinity is followed by the preposition for. But in formal English, the phrase affinity for should be avoided.

Does affinity mean fondness?

1. attraction, liking, leaning, sympathy, inclination, rapport, fondness, partiality There is a natural affinity between the two.

What is affinity culture?

The cultural affinity theory is a term to describe the phenomenon that individuals are attracted, feel more connected to, and pull towards media that depicts, showcases, or identifies with the same culture as the consumer.

What does affinity seeking mean?

The affinity‐seeking construct describes ways people get others to like and feel positive about them. The research is grounded in the presumption that people attempt to generate liking by using various communication strategies.

What is affinity leadership?

Affinity Leadership Group is an Atlanta based coaching and consulting practice committed to the development of leaders. We work with individual and organizational clients wanting to expand the breadth and depth of their leadership abilities.

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